Explore a range of activities to immerse yourself in the world of healthcare and gain relevant skills and knowledge for your future career and studies.
When applying for any healthcare course or role in the NHS, successful candidates will need to demonstrate their commitment to the six core NHS values. Check out these activities to find out how these values could apply to your future career in healthcare.
Healthcare is often at the centre of important public conversations. Explore the issues that matter to you and create your own action plans for change.
Find out if a career in the allied health professions could be for you, test your knowledge and apply your skills and personal values to a variety of scenarios. Can you think like an allied health professional?
Find out if a career in nursing or midwifery could be for you, test your knowledge and apply your skills and personal values to a variety of scenarios. Can you think like a nurse or midwife?
Are you a young person interested in a career in healthcare but don't know where to start? The Future Quest Healthcare website has you covered.
Find out more about the Allied Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Midwifery.
You can make your own action plans, go through our timelines, or find work experience and volunteering.
Are you a young person interested in a career in healthcare but don't know where to start? The Future Quest Healthcare website has you covered.
Find out more about the Allied Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Midwifery.
You can make your own action plans, go through our timelines, or find work experience and volunteering.
The NHS has 6 core values! The first value is "Working Together For Patients".
While all staff members must work together to meet the NHS values, there are some roles that readily meet this specific value due to the job responsibilities.
As the NHS value states, "Patients come first in everything the NHS does".
Therefore, these NHS job roles have more contact with patients and easily meet the value, "Working Together For Patients"!
Specialist Paramedic
Speech & Language Therapist
Over the next 5 weeks, we'll be highlighting other NHS values and the roles that readily fit these values through their responsibilities.
@nhsengland @nhshee
Who is Paul Stephenson?
Paul Stephenson is a Civil Rights Activist who has helped to shape Bristol into a more inclusive city.
The Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries and Education (ACE) at @UWEBristol now has the Paul Stephenson Bursary, for applicants from Ethnic Minority backgrounds.
Click the link in our Bio to learn more about the Paul Stephenson bursary!
There are lots of additional funding options available to eligible students. All of these are available through the NHS Learning Support Fund.
Take a look at the link in our bio to learn more about additional funding such as £5000 per academic year as a Training Grant or Parental Support of £2,000 for leaners with dependents.
@Inclus_Futures @thinkhighercw @uwebristol
Volunteering and work experience are fantastic ways to gain insight into a particular career, working in a team and caring for people.
The FQ Healthcare website signposts outreach opportunities in and around Bristol.
Link in bio @NHSHEE #FQHealthcare
Welcome back!
We hope you enjoyed your winter break. Have you made your new year's resolution yet? Here are some ideas from the Future Quest team ...
1. Learn something new
2. Have a good balance between your education and your personal life
3. Start a savings account
4. Spend less time on social media
5. Complete work experience or volunteering
6. Eat healthier and get lots of rest
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